Hey guys I know I haven't been posting videos lately and I apologize for that.  With school getting in the way and having almost 2 or 3 quizzes or tests every single week, its kind of hard to juggle both a YouTube channel and school at the same thing.  And with things at home going on too it makes it even harder.  I have also been having problems with software, trying to get face cam and video record and recording studio audio all at the same time and trying to sync it all together is a huge challenge as well. I appreciate you guys for being patient with me (those who were).  I am going to start trying my hardest to get my videos posted to YouTube and I think I might be starting 2 new sections on my channel as well.  These sections have to do with Minecraft and the other one has to do with random popular flash games on the internet.  I will also be posting V-logs as well, and also just random videos at times.  One day it could be a vine day and the next day it could be random events or just some type of topic.  I have a full list of new things I want to be getting done but that will be posted at a later date.  I hope you guys are not too mad at me for not being on but like I said I am trying. 


Thanks for reading
Taka a.k.a GTH

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