Hey Guys/Gals, Alex Here

Well, I just wanted to quickly update you all on the recordings.  I have the list of games I want to do for the next week or so.  I'm not gonna see the list on here just yet, I am still in the process of downloading games and seeing if I can gain any access to them so I don't want to say a game and not be able to do it because of a download malfunction.  So, that is where I am at currently.  I hope to finally start this coming Thursday and into the weekend.  Sooooooooo, currently this looks like a busy gaming weekend haha. 

I also have been pretty busy with some artwork I have been doing for a few people and for myself.
OH YEAH!!! I never mentioned this.  I have an art page.  I have one on Deviantart and I also have one through weebly as well so, if you guys can find the time, go ahead and check them out.  If you would want me to draw something for you, feel free to shoot me a note on Deviantart or through email I will eventually have my email on there.  Right now I am currently taking requests through a comment system haha.
Links are down below!!

Anyway...kinda got off topic there for a sec, back on the recordings.  I have the list compiled and right now I am currently seeing what games I can get and which ones I cannot.  YOu would be really surprised when you go to get a game and you cannot because it either costs money or the file just won't work on your computer, I cannot say how many times I have had that happen to me

Anyway I thought I would give you guys an update
Don't forget to check out my art site and page on Deviantart.



Hey guys, Alex here again

I do have to say, things have been going better throughout today.  I finally started looking forward into what I could do for the channel and for you guys and I do have to say, I am really happy with what I came up with and so is the crew.  I'm getting ready to start recording again here very soon and start producing videos very fast because I finally got everything set up and working.  Especially my microphone, I know I had problems with that last year.  I might go ahead and start the minecraft series, you guys just need to let me know what you think of it.  I cannot guarantee that the first couple episodes will be that enjoyable because it is going to be like most beginning series and start out a little boring and then work itself up.  It is going to be easy.

I'm very excited, I have more people joining me in my videos.  And this will make it even easier to come up with more ideas for the channel and get things finally going.

I hope to start sometime thursday.


I HAVE 2 1/2 WEEKS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry guys that is enough time to get a lot of videos finished and posted in February.  Sooooo since they are going to be in February,  if I talk about stuff that happened when the video were recorded don't worry I will make sure to explain.  

Anyway, thought I would let you guys know!

Well, i might as well start it off with saying that.  I know I have not been posting videos at all really for almost the entire year and honestly I am really upset about it.  I have made a lot of promises of posting videos on my channel and promising very great and new content but of course, that was unable to happen.  For many reasons actually.  For YouTubers now-a-days, it's hard to come up with new and fresh ideas for YouTube videos because people are posting hundreds and hundreds of videos every day.  So it's really hard to come up with a fresh new video and just automatically produce and post on the fly that everyone would love.  And with school and my new job getting in the way, it makes that issue even worse, because of course when anyone comes home from school or work, or both at the same time, they don't want to do anything.  They want to sit down, chill, and relax, eat some dinner, maybe watch a little TV, then go to bed and repeat the same cycle.  Who doesn't love to do that when they can :)?  So I hope everyone can understand why things have been hard to do lately.  Trying to juggle everything has been very hard.  I didn't even get a chance to say happy new year or merry christmas to you guys....I kinda just don't know what else to say about it.....

But I do have something else to say...

For my new years resolution.  I'm going to make one more promise.  Hopefully you guys can believe in me and I hope to keep this promise.  I really do.  I want to be dedicated to my viewers.  I want to be dedicated to you guys.

My new years resolution is this...
I am going to be making a ton of videos.  Not just a couple, wait a couple of weeks to a month and post some more like I have been since I started my channel in 2010.  I started my channel with 3 videos and a lot of people liked them and then I just stopped and never continued.  I am going to be posting a video every Wednesday, through February and throughout the months of the year. YES! That's right! I am going to be keeping a time and a schedule on my videos, and if I miss a Wednesday, don't worry, I haven't left.  I am here to stay!  The one thing I have to get better at is tags, youtube video tags.  I am not really that good at doing tags, I never have been, so I am going to try and get better at doing that.  I'm also going to try get better at new content and not posting the same stuff other people post about 20 other times, and it doesn't really matter on what it could be, it could be anything really.

It could be.
Indi games
tech videos
how to's
other let's plays
MINECRAFT VIDEOS!  (who doesn't love minecraft)
Other creative things

And anything that comes to your minds, anything you guys like, whatever comes to you guys you would like to see out of me and my friends, just let us know.  Let me know on twitter, facebook, here, even better, send me an e-mail.

I hope you stick with me, throughout the wrest of the year.  I really appreciate it.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop ranting now.  I really needed that off my chest, that has been bothering me for the past week or so now. 

Be prepared for a comeback in February!

I love you guys and I'm here to stay
Thanks for reading!