Looking back at years posts I start to think of how desperate I was to get page views and channel views but now I look at my stats totaled up over 2 yrs and I see this number, 2.9k page views. It makes me think of how big of a success my website has become. We are pushing for our YouTube channel to reach that someday even tho it is becoming an even bigger struggle with all of these other channels being in the spotlight an everyone focusing on them because they are the newest thing. Trust me, we are trying our best but its just hard. We are coming up with new ideas every day and we are trying to find a way to put it into view and like I have said a hundred times. It is hard. So bare with us, we are trying our best to deliver good content. Thanks for staying with us for 3 awesome years. Remain faithful.

Thanks for reading

Taka AKA GTH AKA Phantom

I have been stuck on something for quite a while.  I really like windows and I have used it all of my life but I have also used mac and I really like it.  I really like mac but I have always been able to do so much more with windows.  I don't know, and also I use Linux as well.  Pretty hard decision.  Looks like I will just remain a Universal Operating System User (UOSU)--> made it up by the w