What is up all you crazy people,  here to tell you about a special video I am doing this thanksgiving break, and yes if you are wondering it is a video game video, what else would it be.  Anyways yes, we are doing a video game video.  The following games that will be featured on the video will be Call of duty MW3, MW1, and black ops.  No, I cant do black ops 2 because I still don't have the game yet, because I am too God dang lazy and just don't feel like taking the time out of my busy school schedule, run up to Walmart and buy the game.  So I hope to get it soon because i'm already asking people if I could borrow there black ops 2 for my Xbox 360 and they have all basically told me to F off so now I am like "Okay, I see how it is".  Anyways that is all I wanted to tell you all, since I have been asked repeatedly to do a video because I have not done one in over 2 months (meaning i have not done an actual video yet) .  So I will see you guys on the net, keep you posted and thaks  

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