I think today I am going to clear out my YouTube videos, clear out some of the ones that have gotten no views and the ones that have gotten some. There is so much more content I can do besides let's plays. So starting today I am going to be clearing out my YouTube Videos so on some them you get an error saying "this video is no longer available", sorry.


Posted from Weebly for iPhone

Yes ladies and gents, it is true...I AM STARTING A GAMER CHANNEL!!
Heck No...GTHproductions isn't dead...WE ARE STILL ALIVE AND BREATHING.

This channel is being made specifically for gaming only and gaming vlogs.  It is called PhantomGAMERS24/7 and really thats all I can give for now considering that I have not done anything to it, but that is where the gaming videos will be going I will still post stuff to my current channel right now, I will post my lets plays on my channel and other stuff (mainly console games) will be posted on the Phantom page.

So that is it for now, I am not going to be telling you much, so sit back and relax, and I will have you guys updated soon.


Taka AKA GTH AKA Phantom
Hey guys I am back with another news update What else is new...

Anyway, I am going to be making another video or two this weekend.  The only details I can give you is it is going to be a slender lets play(not giving the version) and some audio commentary of games on xbox live.  

So these are the only details I can give you for now.  Thanks for reading, check out the wall for updates because we will be posting stuff and spamming it all night long

Also another detail is I am going to be having a surprise guest join us Saturday and the is TehVen0mStr1ke from youtube and twitter.

Anyway stay tuned and I will keep you guys updated of what our next move is.

Thanks for reading