Yes!, we finally have it. Finally after 2 weeks of developing we finally have it. What we have is our first MW3 strategy guide. 

This guide will help you if you are still struggling on getting the amount of kills that you have always wanted

Stuff it contains
Well this guide contains some good tips on how to get a good amount of kills in gameplay like Domination and Team Deathmatch. This also contains some wealthy tips on how to get your M.O.A.B. Now don't get too disappointed about it, I know its pretty small just be patient, we will soon have a weapons statistics guide up for you.

Anyways thats it for now, I hope to get you guys that weapons statistics manual soon so that way you won't have to look through a whole bunch of settings just to see your weapons statistics.

Oh and by the way guys we actually have some spots open in our registry in the strategy team so if you would want to join that would be really great, maybe tell us what you no about video games, we could maybe host a live discussion with you as soon as we get our stuff set up.

Thanks for reading

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