Okay. I know everyone has been seeing posts on our twitter page saying "fastest way to lose body fat" and saying that I tweeted that. Yes, I know it is very annoying and I am not the one who is doing it. I'm sorry to say, but our twitter page has been raided by a "lily jade worm virus". Do not worry, it is not the end of the world. If you follow us, it won't get dumped into your account. Just don't click the link in the tweet! We really apologize for the inconvenience and we are trying very hard to resolve the problem. If you would like to help us in figuring out what is going on and how we can fix it, you can find our page on Facebook and you can tweet to our page on twitter or just comment on the website

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Today I went to the movies and saw the new movie "The Call". All I have to say about the whole movie in general is "Man, what a great thriller". This movie was a great movie. If you like movies that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time and makes you almost have a heart attack just sitting there wondering what is gonna happen next, then man this is the movie for you. After I got home, I went on flixter to read some reviews about it and I was very very shocked to see a lot of rotten tomatoes and very berating reviews on this movie. I don't mean to be rude but this is what makes me the most upset out of anything. It is a serious disappointment to me to read on reviews and look at comments like quote "The movie was trash" and "It assumes that the audience will have the I.Q. of a rutabaga". It shocks me that today's movie critics are reduced to being overly snobby and happy to flaunt there criticizing opinions around thinking that no one will think that it is completely false on all accounts. What I should be reading are good and positive things. I may be young but I am not that snobby to rate a movie for stuff that does not even matter. If I gave a movie review on Flixter, this is what it would be, truth full and honest.

Alex Foust gthprouctions

If you like action packed, thriller, keep you on the edge on your seat the whole time, bight your nails, suspenseful mystery movies then "the call" is the movie for you. It had a great story, awesome acting, and a very good set up to it. Halle Berry played her role in this movie with great effort and very good acting. Abigail Breslin played the victim very well and very good for being as young of an actress as she is. This movie definitely takes the cake for being the 2nd or 3rd most nail biting movie I have seen all year and since last year. If I had to give a star rating on this movie I would give it at least 4 stars. I think it deserves it.